Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Crock Pot Oldie: Salsa Chicken

I really need to crack out the crock pot more often - millions of moms can't be wrong, right? 

This morning I looked at our plans for a busy day and thought ugh, what to make for dinner... I pulled out 4 frozen chicken breasts and thawed them (mostly) while adding a giant red onion, about 10 cloves of garlic (thanks to my large Costco bag), 2 cans of black beans and ~32 oz salsa (also thanks to our standard 66oz Costco salsa jar... Troy loves that stuff) into our crock pot and the house already smells amazing.

Dozens of online recipes for salsa chicken recommend corn, but we happen to be out, and/or taco seasoning, but then again, lots of reviews swear by just chicken & salsa.  So, here's to hoping it really is yummy.  We'll let ya know in 8-10 hours :)

Here's a pic so far, about 5 mins into cooking the recommended 8-10 hours on low:


*Google for yourself and pick which recipe suits your on-hand ingredients.

. . . We'll check back with the finished result tonight . . .

*and here it is*

I shredded the chicken about 30 mins before serving and slid it back into the salsa sauce  to soak up the juices - it shredded beautifully, soooo tender.  I also happened to add a can of stewed tomatoes, for funsies.

I'd say try serving this with sliced avocado, jack cheese, sour cream, tortillas, in a taco shell or over brown rice.  We enjoyed ours over a bowl of healthy & nutty quinoa.  The leftovers could be a great base for chicken tortilla soup.  What a way to spread out 4 chicken breasts, too... this made tons of food.
My verdict?  I thought this was very easy, affordable and one less thing to think about at 6pm when emory needs to eat/get a bath, etc.  I will be breaking out the crock pot again soon :)

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